Alexander Securities Limited
Belvedere Building
69 Pitts Bay Road, Ground Floor
Pembroke, HM 08


Specialised Investments Limited was incorporated under the Companies Law in Guernsey as a non-cellular company limited by shares on 4 April 2019 with the registered number 66257 and its registered office address is at De Catapan House, The Grange, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 2QG. The principal law and legislation under which the Issuer operates, and under which the Bonds have been created, is the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 (as amended). The Issuer's main focus will be to purchase hospitality real estate, together with any accompanying businesses in the United Kingdom.


Specialised Investments Limited US$7,000,000 - 10% Unsecured Bonds due June 04, 2024 (the "Bonds").


Specialised Investments Limited US$2,000,000 - 10% Unsecured Bonds due June 05, 2024 (the "Bonds").



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